Joe Montana, known as “Cool Joe”, is one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history. He got a perfect winning streak - winning all his 4 Super Bowl appearance. Meantime, Jerry Rice was THE GREATEST wide receiver of all time. His total yardage and touchdown record lead the league’s franchise record for more than two decades, and nobody - I mean not possible anybody - could even reach his record. The best WRs nowadays who lead the active record list are almost 10,000 yards shorter. His unbelivable long career was also a greatness to be mentioned. Playing with 3 more quarterbacks, winning 3 SBs with Joe and Steve for the 49ers, dominating the entire 80’s and half of the 90’s, being much better than the average even in his last season… Those two are really living legends!
That night of greeting with Joe was not perfect, especially with my obsurd question choice. I’d have posed a much better one than that of his life after retirement. I could’ve asked him about Elway, I could’ve asked his about his tight spin and his dicisiveness. Still, he was just so cool to talk about his experiences. After the dinner, everyone who want to take a photo with him gained a chance. So that’s the story of that picture above.
The other day in November 2014, I got the news that Jerry Rice will be at the court where we just played our weekly tournament. That was a blast! I went as quick as possible to fetch my Wilson authentic ball with Joe’s signature on it, hoping to gather all those two names on the same ball. As you can see in the pictures below, I did it!
这段正好轮到中文了,那就着重写一下吧。莱斯真的人特别好,很关心橄榄球运动的发展。无论是我们这种球员,还是对橄榄球一无所知的小朋友,他都一视同仁,充满了热情地say hello,整场训练营加上签名,他一直都在鼓励我们这群菜鸡球员要加油,好好打,接到每一个传球都为我们鼓掌,hurdle的时候也非常努力地调动起来气氛。签名的时候和每一个穿了队服的球员认真地握手。不得不说 他的手劲儿还真的很大。怪不得我们经常接球脱手而职业球员不会,都是练出来的。莱斯以他现在的身体状况,我甚至觉得继续上场每场拿个100码完全不是问题。不仅体型保持的很好,手感依旧,而且除了斑白的鬓角和胡须外完全看不出是个年逾五十的中年人了。关键是,他的眼里还有那种光芒,或许可以称为运动家的精气神,你看到那种眼神,就觉得我们今天能赢球的感觉。
There is another photo of Jerry Rice. Maybe you could perceive what I mentioned above. “The Light of Sportsmanship”
That’s why we play. That’s the glamour of football.
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