
About me - 关于我

  • An undergraduate of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
  • Majored in Applied Physics (Communication and Information Science Pilot Class)

Contacts - 联系方式

The main purpose of this page - 建立本页面的目的

The page aims to display several activities & achievements which the author engaged in during his undergraduate period.
Meanwhile, other aspects such as lifestyles, literary work, travel notes, etc. would interweave in the narration.

Achievements & Awards- 主要成就

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences - Huang Kun Scholarship

  • National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest - Second Prize

  • National College Students Connected Smarter System Innovation Competition - Honorable Mention

  • The 9th Undergraduate Physical Experiment Competition of Beijing - Second Prize

  • School Literature Society Annual Essay Competition - First Prize

  • School Scholarship - Third Class × 3

  • School Student Innovation Training Program - Provincial Level Project

  • School English Contest - Third Prize

  • School Video Editing Contest - Honorable Mention

  • School Top 10 Club Organizer

Internship & Volunteer - 实习与志愿服务

  • Americans Promoting Study Abroad (APSA) Program
    June 2014 - August 2014 (2 months)
    Worked as organizer, photographer, Chinese culture exchange partner and scenic spots guide; clipped summary videos for the International Chinese Training Center of BUPT.

  • Nanluoguxiang Residents’ committee
    February 2015 (1 week)
    Exhibited primary physics experiments for pupils. Worked as Organizer and photographer.

  • State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications
    July 2015 - April 2016 (10 months)
    Conducted a project about solving the flickering effect in visible light communication(VLC) and published a thesis; simulated a new proposed structure for exhibiting the Goos–Hänchen shift effect; conducted several experiments of optical fiber; simulated the mode distribution of rectangular and circular waveguide.

  • The Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
    November 2015 - Present
    Analyzed Whispering Gallery Mode(WGM) micro-cavities & nanostructures with finite element method; simulated a thin-film multilayer GaAs solar cell; helped in the procedure of an MBE growth session; attended regular academic lectures, summer camps, and open day held by CAS; won a Huang Kun Scholarship(2015).

Education - 教育背景

  • Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (2013-2017)
    Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics
    Cumulative GPA: 3.6/4.0(85.5/100); Junior GPA: 3.8/4.0(89.7/100); Rank: 15/78
    Coursework: Optoelectronics, Principle of Optical Waveguide, Information Theory, Digital Circuits and Logic Design, Digital Signal Processing, Principles of Communications, Computer Networks, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves.

  • High School Attached to Capital Normal University (2007-2013)
    High School Diploma

Skills - 技能

  • Languages:
    Chinese: native
    English: fluent/TOEFL: 106(S23)
    French: intermediary/TCF B2

  • Programming Languages:

Languages Description
MATLAB Several major projects
C Several projects without multi-threading
Python Web page processing
Verilog Two major projects
Visual Basic Several small GUI tools
JavaScript Modification of other’s projects
  • Softwares:
    Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Publisher, Visio
    Adobe - Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition, Premiere, After Effects, Encore
    Altium Designer
    COMSOL Multiphysics
    Fire Dynamics Simulator
    Keil for ARM
    Vivado (Xilinx)

Hobbies - 兴趣爱好

Liberal Arts - 文艺方面

  • Reading
    Actual Literature

  • Essay Composing
    58/60 in College Matriculation Exam.
    First Prize in School Literature Society Annual Contest.

  • Djembe
    Played Djembe for 5 years before undergradute years.
    Participated in several gratuitous shows for community and handicapped students.

  • Classical Music - Violin Recitals

  • Photography

  • Opera
    Member of School Opera Society

  • Movies

  • Performing
    Performed as protagonist in the Centennial Celebration of my high school (HSACNU).

Sports - 体育方面

  • Football
    Captain of school flag football team Posters
    WR/QB of Posters
    Part-time interpreter of NFLCHINA.com

  • Cycling
    Board moderator of school forum bbs.byr.cn sports section
    Organizer of cycling trial competitions

Science & Technology - 科技方面

  • Video Clipping & Editing

  • Embedded System

  • Signals and Systems

  • Physics Visualization

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